ABOUT BUT SHE LOOKS FINE: THE MUSICAL This musical is an adaptation of the true memoir by Colorado teenager Olivia Goodreau about her battle with Lyme Disease and her journey towards activism and advocacy. Olivia...
Great food…Great people…Great cause! Join us May 6, 2024! On Moonlight Monday, Moonlight Pizza and Brewpub donates 10% of their daily sales to community organizations. May 6, 2024, COTBDAA is scheduled to...
Join us for a community conversation and film screening of the award-winning documentary The Quiet Epidemic. The film features a young girl from Brooklyn and a scientist from Duke University both diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, a disease said to not exist. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease, dating back to its discovery in 1975. A paper trail of suppressed scientific research and buried documents reveal why tick-borne diseases have been allowed to quietly spread around the globe.
Join Us for Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases Awareness Month Events and Activities with Our Community Partners at Soul Tribe Yoga Collective! Lyme Disease Awareness Month Meditation Challenge! This challenge is meant to...