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The Quiet Epidemic – Manitou Art Center

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This screening of THE QUIET EPIDEMIC is presented in partnership with Rocky Mountain Women's Film. Through Film in the Community, films are screened throughout the year, free of charge, at various locations around Colorado Springs. Join us June 17th, 5pm-7pm at the Manitou Art Center in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Women's Film, to watch THE QUIET EPIDEMIC! Film Description: PLAY TRAILER AFTER YEARS OF LIVING WITH MYSTERIOUS SYMPTOMS, a young girl from Brooklyn and a Duke University scientist are diagnosed with a disease said to not exist: Chronic Lyme disease. The Quiet Epidemic follows their search for answers, which lands them in the middle of a vicious medical debate. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease, dating back to...