one little bite

Monica White, President/Co-Founder of COTBDAA
one little bite
“one little bite” is a video short that was produced by Monica White, COTBDAA Co-founder/President, in a storytelling workshop hosted by Chaffee County Public Health. This video short debuted last night alongside other powerful stories of resilience produced by adult and youth members of Chaffee County.
This is a story about one person, one family, whose lives were forever changed by the bite of a tick. Though presentation of this story may be unique, the theme of the story is a common thread weaved into the stories of hundreds of thousands of people across the US and throughout the world that have been infected by Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
“Everyone has a story. A story that may impact one, ten or a thousand people …or more. The experience of this storytelling workshop was cathartic and I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to share my story and to hear the powerful stories of so many others in my community. As an advocate and a caregiver I spend the majority of my time speaking on behalf of others, often pushing the emotions of my own story to the background. A coping mechanism that I have unknowingly developed to move forward in the most positive way for my family and for others that suffer from these debilitating and life changing diseases. A coping mechanism that I am sure I share with other advocates and caregivers. Through the storytelling workshop process I was able to find my inner voice, and I was shocked at the level of emotion, anger and feelings of loss that surfaced. I realize now that these were stages of grief that I had neglected to make room for or acknowledge. The storytelling process was a process of healing. I was so touched by the powerful stories that others shared so honestly and vulnerably, and I hope that the sharing of my story will both uplift and touch others.” ~Monica White
The storytelling workshops were facilitated by incredible guides Mary Ann McNair and Holly McClelland from StoryCenter, and supported by Chaffee County Public Health. The Dinner and a Movie event was hosted by the new amazing initiative We are Chaffee!
“I feel so fortunate to live in Chaffee County, a community that places the health and unity of our community members at the forefront of importance. We are proud to be partners with Chaffee County Public Health and to work collaboratively with Director, Andrea Carlstrom, who approaches every issue proactively and with deep compassion.”~ Monica White