REI-Hosting Colorado Tick Talks!
Colorado Tick Talk: Staying Tick Safe in the Outdoors
May 21, 2019-REI- Westminster, CO & May 28, 2019-REI-Fort Collins, CO
Just one tick bite can change a life for humans and their companion animals! Join us to become better tick aware and to learn critical prevention measures for greater enjoyment of the outdoors. Colorado is a state where many residents both work and recreate in the outdoors. Did you know Colorado is home to nearly 30 species of ticks, some capable of transmitting diseases that can cause illness in people, pets and wildlife? Coloradans and their companion animals, can unknowingly be exposed to additional risks of contracting tick-borne diseases (TBD), particularly Lyme disease, when traveling to regions where tick prevalence and diseases are greater. Tick species are expanding in both range and prevalence (CDC), nationally and internationally. Currently tick-borne diseases are the fastest growing vector borne diseases, far above those transmitted by mosquitoes and fleas. The most common TBD, Lyme Disease, is now reported in all 50 states. Regardless of where or how exposure to ticks may occur, Coloradans need access to accurate information regarding risk, prevention and potential disease. Though not every tick bite may transmit disease, prevention measures should always be taken and every tick bite should be treated properly. Be tick-wise and keep enjoying the fabulous outdoors! Presented by COTBDAA Board Member, Dr. Sharon Austin. Register for these FREE prevention education programs at the REI Event links below.